Sitecore OrderCloud Documentation


Portal login

API v1.0.350 Release Notes

Released on Wednesday, June 26, 2024


  • Two new properties on Promotion:

    • Can only be used on Promotions where LineItemLevel is true.

      • ItemLimitPerOrder

        • Positive integer that defines the maximum number of items a given promotion will be applied to

      • ItemSortBy

        • Comma delimited string of line item properties

        • Sort descending by using !

        • Supports sorting on xp

        • If no value is provided, items will be sorted by the default value which is DateAdded ascending

    • Sample use case: 30% off the least expensive 3 items if a user spends at least $50

2 "Code": "30OFF",
3 "LineItemLevel": true,
4 "ItemLimitPerOrder": 3,
5 "ItemSortBy": "LineSubtotal",
6 "EligibleExpression": "order.Subtotal >= 50",
7 "ValueExpression": "item.LineSubtotal * .3"
  • New Rules Engine function inparentcategory('{categoryID}')

    • checks the category tree for any products assigned to the category specified or any of it's children, at any depth


  • Resolved a bug that prevented Subscription Reminders from being sent in the future if a Subscription failed to process

  • Throw a helpful error if a webhook URL doesn't begin with HTTP

  • Provide more helpful error data on certain promotion errors

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