Sitecore OrderCloud Documentation


Portal login

Portal API v1.0.35 Release Notes

Released on Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Portal was unavailable between 9 PM and 10:30 PM due to complications during the release. This in no way affected the OrderCloud API.

Support for OrderCloud Environments

The Portal now allows users to access organizations from OrderCloud Sandbox, Staging, and Production in a single user interface. Read more

Authentication with Github and/or Google accounts

  • Existing Portal Users can now link their account to GitHub and/or Google from their Profile > Authentication settings

  • New Users can now alternatively register for the Portal with their GitHub or Google account

Portal Username

  • Upon first signing into the updated Portal, you will be asked to provide a new Username (something other than your email address)

  • Other portal users will be able to search for you by Name or Username when inviting new Contributors


  • Organizations created after this release are automatically tied to the OrderCloud Sandbox environment, Production Organizations can be created upon request

  • New Organizations no longer need a default API client, security profile, or initial seller/buyer user to be accessed in the API Console

  • Transferring and Deleting Organizations are actions that now require 2FA (two-factor authentication), users will need to retrieve a confirmation code from their email to complete these requests

  • Organization Admins now have the ability to modify the Organization Name in addition to managing Contributors

  • Staging Organizations are restored from Production every Sunday

  • Staging Organizations have a new [BETA] Staging Restore Webhook config that can be used to automate re-creating webhook and integration assignments after each Staging restore


  • New contributors will now receive an invitation to join an organization before it shows up in their organization list

  • Contributors with the old Manage Contributors permission now have access to Organization Admin, detailed in the Organization section

  • There are three new permissions meant to provide more granular control over which types of users a given contributor can impersonate in the API Console

API Console

  • Portal Users are now able to access the entire API Console using only a Seller Organization as context (no need to select API Client or User)

  • When using this simplified context, the roles that are granted will match the Contributor data access exactly

  • You can still impersonate specific seller, supplier, or buyer users by opening the context selector again (as long as you have the necessary permissions)

Bug Fixes

  • There is no longer a delay when applying filters in the API Console

  • API Console number fields that should be able to be set to 0 will now accept 0 as an input

  • Expired tokens in the API Console will now be properly refreshed before allowing portal users to make API calls

  • The API Client Enhanced UI now allows portal users to clear out client secrets

  • The API Client Enhanced UI now properly saves changes to OrderCloudIntegrationEventID

  • The Webhooks API Client assignment list will no longer remain stale after modifying API Clients

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