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Products, Pricing, and Ordering in OrderCloud Marketplaces

Published by Miranda Danielson on June 16, 2021

Last updated on May 2, 2024

We recently shared our vision for Marketplaces in OrderCloud - the new features outlined below help get us closer to fulfilling that vision by enabling Marketplaces where buyers can select which Supplier they want to view pricing for and order directly from. Additionally Suppliers can now manage their own catalogs and set their own pricing on products they don’t own.

Supplier Ordering Overview

There are two ways to route an order to a supplier:

  • Pass the SupplierID as the ToCompanyID on Order create.

    • This property is only writable on POST or initial PUT. If no value is passed it will default to the Marketplace owner.

    • If an explicit relationship between the buyer and supplier has not been defined then Supplier.AllBuyersCanOrder must be true.

    • If the relationship is removed after the order was created, but prior to submit, an error will be thrown on validate and/or submit.

  • Forward the order to the Supplier after Submit. Currently only possible if Supplier is the DefaultSupplierID on the Product.

In order to add a line item to an Order that will be received by a Supplier one of the following must be true about the LineItem.Product:

  1. Supplier is the Product.DefaultSupplierID

  2. Supplier owns the product

  3. Marketplace Owner owns the product and opted-in the Supplier

  4. Marketplace Owner owns the product and has AllSuppliersCanSell property with a value of true and the Supplier has opted-in to selling this product.

When a Marketplace Owner has set AllSuppliersCanSell to true on a Product, this is an invitation for any Supplier in the marketplace to opt-in to selling the product, which they can do in one of two ways:

  1. Create an explicit product assignment via POST v1/products/assignments if the Supplier wishes to set their own pricing.

  2. Call PUT v1/products/{productID}/suppliers/{supplierID} with or without the optional defaultPriceScheduleID query parameter.

When the Marketplace Owner has created an explicit relationship between the Supplier and Product, the MPO or Supplier is not required to set explicit pricing, but if desired, they can do so in one of two ways:

  1. Create an explicit Product Assignment via POST v1/products/assignments

    1. If the Marketplace Owner creates the assignment, the PriceSchedule may be owned by the Marketplace Owner or the Supplier

    2. If the Supplier creates the assignment, the PriceSchedule must be owned by the Supplier

  2. Set Default Pricing via PUT v1/products/{productID}/suppliers/{supplierID}?defaultPriceScheduleID={id}

    1. If the Marketplace Owner makes the API call, the PriceSchedule may be owned by the Marketplace Owner or the Supplier

    2. If the Supplier makes the API call, the PriceSchedule must be owned by the Supplier

Marketplace Resource Ownership

Marketplace owners can read and administer all resources within their marketplace, even those resources owned by other parties. The Marketplace Owner can write to the OwnerID property on POST or initial PUT (OwnerID cannot be updated after that point).

Suppliers are now able to own any of the following:

  • Catalogs

    • Suppliers can assign catalogs they own directly to buyers they have a relationship to. This functionality was previously reserved for Marketplace Owners only.

    • Suppliers can assign products owned by the Marketplace Owner, that they are opted-in to selling, to catalogs they own

  • PriceSchedules (existing functionality)

    • A supplier can only use PriceSchedules they own when setting pricing on a product, regardless of who owns the product

  • Promotions

    • A Supplier owned promotion can only be used on an order where Order.ToCompanyID = Promotion.OwnerID. A promotion owned by the Marketplace Owner can be used on any order regardless of Order.ToCompanyID.

  • Products (existing functionality)

  • Shipments

  • Specs

Marketplace Pricing

  • Multiple ProductAssignments can now exist for the same Product/Party combination with different PriceScheduleIDs, as long as the SellerID is unique

  • Buyer users can get supplier specific pricing for a given Supplier by using the optional SellerID parameter on product GET endpoints (details below)

  • When multiple ProductAssignments exist for the same Product/Party combination LineItem pricing is calculated based on Order.ToCompanyID

    • No need to pass any special parameter to get accurate pricing

  • When requesting pricing for a given Supplier the following precedence applies:

    • An explicit ProductAssignment where SellerID = SupplierID

      • Group level, then Buyer level

    • The Supplier's DefaultPriceSchedule

    • An explicit ProductAssignment where SellerID = Marketplace Owner

      • Group level, then Buyer level

    • The Product's DefaultPriceScheduleID

New Properties


  • Only writable by the Marketplace Owner. If anyone other than the Marketplace Owner attempts to write to this property, it will be ignored.

  • If false, buyers will only be able to set ToCompanyID on an order to the Marketplace Owner, or suppliers they have an explicit relationship to.


  • Only writable by the Marketplace Owner on products they own.

  • If you attempt to set the value to true on a Supplier owned product, an error will be returned.

  • If true, this is an “invitation” for any Supplier in the marketplace to opt-in to selling the product. Opt-in details provided above.


  • Only writable by the Marketplace Owner on POST or initial PUT.

  • Must be passed into ProductAssignment Create or Delete if MPO wants to administer ProductAssignments for another Seller.

New (or Enhanced) Endpoints

New OrderDirection - GET v1/orders/all:

  • Returns all orders to any orgs in your marketplace if you are the Marketplace Owner. Including Orders placed directly to Suppliers.

  • Returns outgoing orders if you are a buyer user.

  • Returns incoming orders if you are a supplier user.

New endpoints to read and administer buying relationships between parties:

  • GET v1/suppliers/{supplierID}/buyers

    • Marketplace Owner and Suppliers are authorized to access this endpoint (only returns your own buyers if you are a supplier)

  • PUT v1/suppliers/{supplierID}/buyers/{buyerID}

    • Only Marketplace Owner are authorized to access this endpoint.

  • DELETE v1/suppliers/{supplierID}/buyers/{buyerID}

    • Only Marketplace Owner are authorized to access this endpoint.

New endpoint for listing all "Sellers" relative to the current Buyer:

  • GET v1/me/sellers

    • Includes Marketplace Owner and any Suppliers that this Buyer can order from.

    • IDs of results represent valid values for setting Order.ToCompanyID and can be used in product queries (below).

New optional query parameter for getting Seller-specific view of product(s):

  • GET v1/me/products?sellerID={sellerID}

    • Acts as a filter to return Seller-specific pricing, if applicable.

    • Only dictates what pricing is returned, will return products not owned by the seller, and products not assigned to any catalog the seller owns. Use OwnerID and CatalogID filters respectively to filter down results further.

  • GET v1/me/product/{productID}?sellerID={sellerID}

    • Returns product with Seller-specific pricing, or 404 if the organization does not the sell this product directly to the current Buyer.

New optional query parameter on PUT v1/products/{productID}/suppliers/{supplierID} of DefaultPriceScheduleID:

  • Allows you to pass a PriceScheduleID owned by the supplier. Can be updated after the relationship already exists.

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