Product Updated Message
Custom payload definition of the following Delivery Configuration message namespaces:
Name | Type | Description |
UserContext | The user context. | |
ProductID | string | The product identifier. |
Marketplace | string | The marketplace identifier. |
OwnerID | string | Used to specify the identifier of the user or organization that owns or manages the product. Typically used to assign ownership or responsibility for a product to a specific entity. |
Name | string | The name of the product. |
Description | string | The description of the product. |
IsParent | boolean | Used to define if a product is a Parent. |
ParentID | string | ID of the parent. |
QuantityMultiplier | int | For reference only. Used to indicate an amount per quantity |
ShipWeight | decimal | The shipping weight. |
ShipHeight | decimal | The shipping height. |
ShipWidth | decimal | The shipping width. |
ShipLength | decimal | The shipping length. |
Active | boolean | Indicates if the product is active. When false, the product will not be visible to shoppers. |
AutoForward | boolean | If true, when this product is ordered by a Buyer, it will automatically be added to a new Order from the Marketplace Owner to the Default Supplier and submitted. Requires a valid DefaultSupplierID. |
SpecCount | int | The number of specs for this product. |
VariantCount | int | The number of variants for this product. |
ShipFromAddressID | string | The ID of the address this product will ship from. |
DefaultSupplierID | string | The ID of the default supplier of the product. |
AllSuppliersCanSell | boolean | Indicates that all suppliers can sell this product. |
Returnable | boolean | Indicates that this product can be returned after purchase. |
DefaultPriceScheduleID | string | The default price schedule for this product. |
Inventory | Inventory | The inventory of the product. |
DefaultPriceSchedule | PriceSchedule | The default price schedule of the product. |
PartyPriceSchedules | PartyPriceSchedule[] | Used to define pricing rules or schedules for specific parties within the platform. A party can refer to a buyer, supplier, or any other entity involved in the order and commerce process. PartyPriceSchedules allow you to set up custom pricing structures based on various criteria. |
SellerDefaultPriceSchedules | SellerDefaultPriceSchedule[] | Used to define pricing rules or schedules specifically for sellers. A seller typically represents a supplier or a group of suppliers within the OrderCloud platform. Allows you to set up custom pricing structures for products or services offered by sellers based on various criteria. |
Catalogs | string[] | List of catalogs this product is associated with. |
Suppliers | string[] | List of suppliers of this product. |
Buyers | string[] | List of companies that can see this product. |
Categories | Category[] | List of categories this product is assigned to. |
UserGroups | string[] | List of user groups that can see this product. |
Specs | Spec[] | List of product specs. |
xp | dynamic | Dynamic properties assigned by the owner of the product. |
If you are using Sitecore Discover for product synchronization, you can include xp.ThumbnailImageUrl
with a value. That will enable showing the product thumbnail image in CEC.
Name | Type | Description |
OwnerID | string | Owner of the price schedule. |
ID | string | The price schedule identifier. |
Name | string | The name of the price schedule. |
ApplyTax | boolean | Indicates if tax is to be applied. |
ApplyShipping | boolean | Used to specify whether the pricing rules defined in a price schedule should be applied to the shipping costs associated with an order. |
MinQuantity | int | The minimum quantity allowed per order. |
MaxQuantity | int | The maximum quantity allowed per order. |
UseCumulativeQuantity | bool | If true, line items will be aggregated by product id when determining which price break applies, and when min/max quantities are met. |
RestrictedQuantity | boolean | If true, then product can only be ordered in quantities that exactly match once of the price breaks. |
Currency | string | The currency. |
SalesStart | DateTimeOffset | Start date/time of the price breaks. |
SalesEnd | DateTimeOffset | End date/time of the price breaks. |
IsOnSale | boolean | Indicates if the item is on sale. |
PriceBreaks | PriceBreak[] | List of price breaks associated with the price schedule. |
xp | dynamic | Dynamic properties assigned by the marketplace owner. |
Name | Type | Description |
Quantity | int | Quantity this price break applies too. |
Price | decimal | Price of the product. |
SalePrice | decimal | If specified, specifies the on sale price. |
SubscriptionPrice | decimal | Per unit price when purchased as a recurring subscription. |
Name | Type | Description |
Seller | string | Optional seller identifier. |
Party | string | Party identifier. |
PartyType | int | Type of the party identifier: |
PriceSchedule | PriceSchedule | Associated price schedule. |
Name | Type | Description |
Seller | string | Seller company identifier. |
PriceSchedule | PriceSchedule | Associated price schedule. |
Name | Type | Description |
ID | string | The category identifier. |
Name | string | Name of the category. |
Active | boolean | True if the category is currently active. |
ListOrder | int | The order in which the category appears underneath the parent or catalog (if root level). |
Name | Type | Description |
ID | string | The spec identifier. |
ListOrder | int | The order in which this spec is shown. |
Name | string | The name of the spec. |
DefaultValue | string | If no Spec.Value is passed in the LineItemSpec, this value will be used. |
Required | bool | Indicates if the spec is required. |
AllowOpenText | bool | For Spec options that are not pre-defined, such as FirstName for a business card. |
DefaultOptionID | string | The default option. |
DefinesVariant | bool | If true, each unique combinations of this Spec's Options should map to a unique Product Variant. |
OptionCount | int | The number of options. |
Options | SpecOption[] | List of spec options. |
xp | Json |
Name | Type | Description |
ID | string | The spec option identifier. |
Value | string | Name of the option. |
ListOrder | int | The order in which the option is shown. |
IsOpenText | bool | |
PriceMarkupType | PriceMarkupType | Used to change the price of a product when a specific Spec Option is selected. It will be one of the following values: 1 - AmountPerQuantity 2 - AmountTotal 3 - Percentage |
PriceMarkup | decimal | Price markup. |
xp | Json |