Creating Your First Order
The central concept within OrderCloud is not surprisingly the order. This is the object where buyers, sellers, products, payments, and almost everything come together to form a business transaction.
Order Direction
A key feature of the Order resource is the order "direction". The endpoints used to interact with the order resource are the same endpoints you use regardless of which type of user you are: buyer, seller, supplier. What changes however is the order direction. An order is generally thought to flow like this:
Buyer ➔ Seller
So to create an order for our buyer user, we will be using a direction of Outgoing
. Since we are placing an outgoing order from buyer to seller.
Create an Empty Order
Now that we know what direction to use, let's create an empty order using the Orders
resource. You may be thinking - wait, we don't have the OrderAdmin
role available, so how will we use the Orders resource? The Shopper
role allows buyer users to create and modify new orders and line items for their own user.
1POST HTTP/1.12Authorization: Bearer INSERT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE3Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8;45{} //empty order object
The response should look something like this:
1{2 "ID": "PKTiEFNEiEi9mEmC9cZCrw",3 "FromUser": {4 "ID": "BUYER_USER",5 "Username": "buyer01",6 "Password": null,7 "FirstName": "Buyer",8 "LastName": "User",9 "Email": "",10 "Phone": null,11 "TermsAccepted": null,12 "Active": true,13 "xp": null,14 "AvailableRoles": null,15 "Locale": null,16 "DateCreated": "2021-02-08T23:09:14.82+00:00",17 "PasswordLastSetDate": "2021-02-08T23:10:00.56+00:00"18 },19 "FromCompanyID": "BUYER_ORGANIZATION",20 "ToCompanyID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",21 "FromUserID": "BUYER_USER",22 "BillingAddressID": null,23 "BillingAddress": null,24 "ShippingAddressID": null,25 "Comments": null,26 "LineItemCount": 0,27 "Status": "Unsubmitted",28 "DateCreated": "2021-02-23T20:39:03.173+00:00",29 "DateSubmitted": null,30 "DateApproved": null,31 "DateDeclined": null,32 "DateCanceled": null,33 "DateCompleted": null,34 "LastUpdated": "2021-02-23T20:39:03.173+00:00",35 "Subtotal": 0.00,36 "ShippingCost": 0.00,37 "TaxCost": 0.00,38 "PromotionDiscount": 0.00,39 "Currency": null,40 "Total": 0.00,41 "IsSubmitted": false,42 "LineItems": null,43 "xp": null44}
Take note of the Order ID returned here, you will need it in subsequent guides
Let's review some of the properties that were populated on our behalf:
- The user placing the order. In our case this is our buyer user with the usernamebuyer01
- The company of the from user, our buyer organization ID.ToCompanyID
- The company that the order will be submitted to, in our case this is the seller organization ID.OrderStatus
- The OrderCloud order status of the order, which begins atUnsubmitted
and changes throughout the order's lifecycle.
Order Status
Throughout a workflow an order undergoes various status changes:
Unsubmitted: Created but has not yet been submitted
Open: Submitted but not yet fulfilled
AwaitingApproval: On hold awaiting approval
Declined: Submitted but has been declined
Completed: Submitted and all the line items on the order have been shipped
Canceled: Order can no longer be submitted
Once an order is canceled, it is effectively DEAD and no further actions can be taken on it
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